A Lucid Dreaming Guide for Beginners – Everything you Must Know to Have Your First Lucid Dream Tonight

How to learn lucid dreaming tonight? Lucid dreaming is the art of becoming aware that you are dreaming while you’re in the midst of a dream. This extraordinary state of consciousness opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to actively participate in and even control your dreams. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll explore what lucid dreaming is, why it’s worth pursuing, and provide you with essential tools, techniques, and tips, including the role of food and drinks, to embark on your own lucid dreaming journey tonight.

What Is Lucid Dreaming?

Lucid dreaming occurs when you become conscious within a dream, realizing that the events unfolding are not part of your waking reality but a creation of your mind. In this state, you can often take control of the dream, shaping its narrative and environment to your liking. Lucid dreaming is a skill that can be cultivated over time, and its benefits go beyond mere entertainment.

Why learn Lucid Dreaming?

  1. Creative Playground: Lucid dreams are a canvas for creativity. You can explore new worlds, meet fascinating characters, and engage in experiences limited only by your imagination.
  2. Personal Growth: Lucid dreaming offers opportunities for self-discovery and personal development. You can confront fears, practice skills, or gain insight into your subconscious.
  3. Improved Sleep Quality: Becoming conscious in your dreams can lead to better sleep patterns. By learning to recognize dream signs, you may awaken during the most restful phases of your sleep cycle.
  4. Problem-Solving: Many artists, scientists, and thinkers have drawn inspiration from their dreams. Lucid dreaming can be a wellspring of ideas and solutions to real-life challenges.
  5. Dealing with negative mental states: Lucid dreams can help with dealing with nightmares but also anxiety, depression, insomnia are conditions where under certain cirumstances lucid dreaming conditions can help with relief.

Science behind Lucid Dreams: REM Sleep Period

Lucid dreams or all dreams for that matter occur during the REM sleep period. The REM (rapid-eye-movement) period happens in multiple shorter periods during your sleep and is approximatly 25% of your sleeping time. REM sleep is thought to have important correlation in memory consolidation, emotional processing and brain development. There is not a lot of research and explanation of why lucid dreams occur, a paper from 2018 points to how regions of the brain are connected in people that lucid dream regularly.

Tools for Lucid Dreaming

Dream Journal: Start by keeping a dream journal. As soon as you wake up, jot down everything you remember about your dreams. This practice enhances dream recall and helps identify recurring dream signs.

Reality Checks

Perform reality checks throughout the day. This involves questioning whether you’re dreaming or awake. If you make this a habit, you’ll eventually do it in a dream and realize you’re dreaming. Those reality checks could be:

  • Check your mirror to see if your reflection looks normal.
  • Hold your nose and try to inhale; if you can still breathe through your nose, you are dreaming.
  • Look for incongruencies in your environment.
  • Press your finger against your and see if it goes through.
  • try to read something, in dreams you cannot.
  • try to turn the light on and off, in dreams it won’t work.

Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD)

Before sleep, affirm your intention to become lucid in your dreams. Visualize yourself recognizing a dream and affirm, “I will know I’m dreaming.” This is a technique that can be used in tandem with all other lucid dreaming techniques. By immersing your consiouscness with the intention of lucid dreaming, your likelihood of achieving a lucid dream becomes far higher.

Sometimes just learning and researching lucid dreams gives people a lucid dream at the same night!

Techniques to learn lucid dreaming tonight

there are many techniques that can help you learn lucid dreaming tonight. In general they can all be summed up into two different techniques – Dream Inititated Lucid Dreams (DILD) and Wake Inititated Lucid Dreams (WILD). All other techniques are sub-techniques that help you either to realize that you are dreaming during a dream or that help you to fall asleep into a lucid dream.

DILD (Dream-Initiated Lucid Dream) or SILD (Sleep-Inititated Lucid Dream):

In a DILD, you realize you’re dreaming during the dream itself. This often happens when you notice something unusual or bizarre in the dream and question its reality. This can happen spontanously if you have practised Reality Checks during your waking time and have used MILD. Your mind is still doing these reality checks but now you realize you are actually asleep.

External Stimulation

Once you are in REM sleep, external stumuli can help you to get into a lucid dream. Those stimuli can be sound (like a voice or beep sounds), light, odor, vibration, movement or even electric pulse. There are devices that were made for these purpose or that can be used for that purpose (e.g., DreamLight Mask, Remee Mask, REM-Dreamer Mask, Hypnodyne Zmax Software ans Sensors, iBand App)

WILD (Wake-Initiated Lucid Dream)

In a WILD, you transition directly from wakefulness into a lucid dream. This technique involves maintaining awareness while your body falls asleep. This is generally the technique that is considered more difficult but the results seem to be for most people more vivid and more long lasting. It is worth learning this technique if you want to take lucid dreaming seriously. There are several ways how to achive the transition

Dream Re-Entry or Wake-Back-to-Bed (WBTB)

Dream Re-Entry is a sub-technique of WILD. It works by deliberatly waking up during the night – taking into consideration the dream phases – and falling back asleep, entering with a lucid dream. Set an alarm to wake up a few hours before your usual waking time. Stay awake for a brief period, then return to sleep with the intention of having a lucid dream. This takes advantage of the REM (rapid eye movement) sleep phase, when dreams are most vivid.

FILD (Finger-Induced Lucid Dream)

This technique involves lightly moving your fingers as you fall asleep, simulating a piano-playing motion. The idea is to maintain a faint thread of consciousness as you enter the dream state.

How to stay awake when falling asleep?

This is the tricky part because even if you understand that now is the time that you have to try to stay awake without falling asleep, how do you actually do it? When we fall asleep, if generally happens when we are super relaxed and our mind begins to wander into all kind of differnt confusing directions until the point when we become subconsious. The trick is to understand the way your body behaves and feels when it enters the state of falling asleep while maintaining a one-pointedness of mind.

This is something you can practise every night you go to sleep, try to focus on your breath and awareness, resist the need of your body to move around. Feel the sensations that are associated when your body enters the dreaming state, soon you will understand how it feels and how you can control it.

Food and Drinks for Lucid Dreaming Tonight

While lucid dreaming primarily relies on mental techniques, certain foods and drinks may support your journey tonight. We worked on an entire article about herbs for lucid dreaming, but here are some of the most common:

  1. Tryptophan-Rich Foods: Tryptophan is an amino acid that can aid in dream vividness. Foods like turkey, chicken, bananas, and dairy products contain tryptophan. Consider a light snack before bedtime.
  2. Blue Lotus Tea: Blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) has been used for centuries for its calming and dream-enhancing properties. Brew a cup of blue lotus tea and sip it before bed to potentially enhance your dream experiences.
  3. Valerian Root Tea: Valerian root tea is known for its calming effects and may help with dream recall. Sip a cup before sleep to relax and prepare for lucid dreaming.

Processing Lucid Dreams

Upon waking from a lucid dream, take time to reflect on the experience. What did you learn? How did it make you feel? Did you achieve any personal goals or confront challenges? Write down your insights in your dream journal, as they can be valuable for self-discovery and growth. Also check out our article about bullet journaling for dream analyzis.

Lucid dreaming can be an incredible tool for working on deeper aspects about yourself in terms of spiritual dream work.


We hope you found our article of how to learn lucid dreaming tonight helpful. Lucid dreaming is a captivating adventure into the depths of your own mind. Maybe tonight you will already learn how to lucid dream. Lucid dreaming offers a unique blend of entertainment, creativity, and self-exploration. While the journey may require patience and practice, the rewards are well worth it. As you embark on your own lucid dreaming journey, remember that each dream is a new opportunity to explore the boundless landscapes of your imagination and consciousness. Sweet dreams and happy lucid exploring, with the potential assistance of tryptophan-rich foods and dream-enhancing teas!

Editorial Note: Morella&Ulalume Editors may earn a commission on sales made from partner links on this page, but that doesn’t affect our editors’ opinions or evaluations.
Furthermore the content of this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Prior to making any health-related decisions, including the use of supplements or dealing with decisions that can affect your mental health, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare provider.

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