The Sacred Ritual of Yoni Puja – How Worshipping your Pu$$y and Tantric Self-love can Transform your Life

A study from 2021 revealed that 1 in 2 women feel more self-doubt then self-love. This is a devastating result in a society where we are putting more and more emphasis on the importance of self-care. At the same time it is not surprising in the face of partriacal standards that are still uphoald as the status quo. The tabous surrounding womanhood might be a profound reason for the lack of self-acceptance in women.

So let’s have a look at a practise that is radically opposed to our normal stereonormative perspectives on the female body – the practise of Yoni Puja, originating from tantra, and how this practise alone could tranform our relationship to ourself and provoke self-love. This ceremony celebrates the sacredness of the yoni – the vulva – the symbol of feminine power, creation, and divine energy. In this blog post, we will explore the essence of Yoni Puja, its cultural origins, and the transformative potential it holds for those who seek to connect with the sacred feminine within.

Understanding Yoni Puja

Yoni Puja, often referred to as the worship of the divine feminine, is a ceremonial practice that venerates the yoni as a symbol of the creative force in the universe. The term “yoni” encompasses the entire female reproductive system (from the vulva, vagina, womb to ovaries) and is regarded as the embodiment of Shakti, the primordial cosmic energy in Hinduism. Yoni Puja is not merely a physical ritual but a spiritual journey that involves deep reverence, introspection, and the recognition of the sacredness inherent in every aspect of feminine existence.

The Cultural Origins of Yoni Puja

Yoni Puja has roots in ancient Hindu traditions, particularly in Tantric practices where the union of Shiva (masculine energy) and Shakti (feminine energy) symbolizes the cosmic dance of creation. Tantric philosophy emphasizes the importance of embracing all aspects of existence, including the sensual and the divine. Yoni Puja, within this context, is a celebration of the feminine energy that gives birth to life and sustains the universe.

The Worship of the Yoni

the core of the ritual is the worship of the Yoni. In the ritual, the yoni can take on the form of a symbol that represents the yoni, like a oval stone, a drawing, an oval mandala, even a papaya or anything that can represent the yoni. It is also possible to worship the living yoni which, in many ways, is the more powerful approach to this ritual. The participants are encouraged to embrace, look at and worship their own yoni and those of other women. Often mirrors are used here to give everybody the chance to form a relationship with their own yoni and vulva.

There is a staggering amount of women who have never seen their own vulva or who think that their vulva looks abnormal and feel shameful for her. This is the chance to reprogram these belief patterns and understand the beautiful uniqueness every women holds within her.

So many times, we, as women, have never encountered our or others yonis – projects like the vulva gallery that work towards awarness and rituals like the Yoni Puja will slowly melt away the shame that society built around the sacredness that is the yoni.

credit: The Vulva Gallery

Elements of Yoni Puja

  1. Sacred Space Preparation: Yoni Puja begins with the creation of a sacred and serene space. Adorn the surroundings with flowers, candles, incense, and symbolic representations of the divine feminine.
  2. Invocation of Deities: Invoke the presence of goddesses associated with feminine divinity, such as Lakshmi, Saraswati, or Kali from Hindu mythology or you might want to invoke goddesses like aphrodite from western mythologies. You might choose not to connect with any particular goddess, this is up to you. If you decide you want to incorporate the archetype of a goddess, connect with their energies and invite their guidance throughout the ritual.
  3. Mantras and Chants: Recite sacred mantras and chants that resonate with the celebration of the divine feminine. The vibrational energy of these sounds enhances the spiritual atmosphere and invokes a sense of harmony.
  4. Purification of the mind: our speach has many shameful and degrading terms for the Yoni. For many phrases we feel automatically shame. By reciting and throwing out those limiting and degrading beliefs and words we can build a more pure and healthy relationship with our Yoni and how we speak with and about her.
  5. Symbolic Offerings: Offer symbolic gifts to represent gratitude and devotion. These offerings may include flowers, fruits, or other items that hold personal significance.
  6. Mirror gazing: If the living yoni is the object of worship the use of mirrors allows the participants to see and worship their own yoni.
  7. Meditation and Visualization: Engage in meditation and visualization practices to attune your mind and spirit to the sacred energy of the yoni. Focus on the divine qualities associated with feminine energy, such as creativity, compassion, and nurturing.
  8. Self-Reflection and Empowerment: Yoni Puja involves a deep internal reflection on one’s relationship with femininity, both personally and within the broader context of the universe. Embrace aspects of self-love, self-acceptance, and empowerment.
  9. Yoni Mudra: Incorporate the yoni mudra, a symbolic hand gesture representing the divine feminine. This mudra is believed to enhance the flow of energy within the body, fostering a deeper connection with feminine energies.
  10. Blessing the Yoni: Conclude the ritual by offering blessings to the yoni. This can be a symbolic gesture or a personal affirmation that acknowledges the divine power residing within the feminine essence.
credit Vula Altar by Earth Altering

The Offering to the Yoni

In a traditional Puja there is the offering of the Panchamrita, which is a mixture of liquids that represent the five elements (air, fire, water, earth, ether) of ghee, yogurt, honey, milk, & sugar as a yoni ‘bath’ or abhishek. Do this only with the symbolic yoni not the living yoni. But you can be creative and substitute those liquids with whatever you find fitting. Let your intuition guide you with this. Also the offering of flowers or anything you deem beautiful and divine finds it’s place here.

The Feeling of Love and Devotion

The most important part of the Yoni Puja is bhava – the feeling of love. Without it the ritual is useless. Feel deeply within you the feeling of love and devotion for the Yoni which is the goddess that brings life into our world. You are worshipping our own inner self and creative force within. The force that is the cause of existence and breaths in every cell of you. The Yoni is a gateway to this alignment with yourself, the universe and God.

Transformative Aspects of Yoni Puja

  1. Empowerment and Liberation: Yoni Puja serves as a transformative tool for personal empowerment and liberation. By embracing and honoring the divine feminine within, individuals can experience a profound sense of self-acceptance and strength.
  2. Spiritual Connection: The ritual fosters a deep spiritual connection with the sacred feminine energy. Practitioners may find a sense of unity with the universal flow of creativity, nurturing, and divine love.
  3. Healing and Rejuvenation: Yoni Puja can be a source of emotional and spiritual healing. By acknowledging the sacredness of the yoni, individuals may release any emotional or psychological burdens associated with their feminine identity.
  4. Balance of Energies: The practice promotes the balance of masculine and feminine energies within the self. This equilibrium is vital for overall well-being and the harmonious flow of life force energy.


Yoni Puja is a sacred journey into the heart of feminine divinity, a celebration of the creative force that resides within every woman. Through ritual, reflection, and reverence, practitioners of Yoni Puja connect with the essence of the yoni as a source of empowerment, healing, and spiritual awakening. As we honor the divine feminine within, we embrace the beauty and strength that radiates from the sacred core of our being.

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Furthermore the content of this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Prior to making any health-related decisions, including the use of supplements or dealing with decisions that can affect your mental health, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare provider.

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